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> 12 Month Lease
> No pets
> Water charges apply
> Electricity is in the owners name to be oncharged to the tenant
This two bedroom partly furnished apartment on second floor in a prime city location set on the corner of North Tce and Paxtons Walk. Stroll to the Tram Stop , Adelaide University Campus, Rundle Mall, Rundle Street, Botanical Gardens, restaurants, cafes and shopping. This apartment features built in robes in both bedrooms, the main bedroom with a queen bed frame and mattress, the 2nd bedroom with single bed frame and mattress, with the open plan living with reverse cycle air conditioningin a secure building is it perfect for peaceful low maintenance living in the heart of the city. The bathroom has a washing machine and dryer.
Our office accepts Easybondpay: easyBondpay provide same day Rental Bond Loans so tenants can ease the pain of moving home and pay your rental bond over 6 or 12 easy monthly instalments. Applying is easy and no credit rating is required. Simply tell us if you are interested and we will do the rest! For more information visit
- Split-System Air Conditioning
- Built-in Wardrobes
- Dishwasher
- Intercom